sábado, 22 fevereiro, 2025

Prof. Jorge Turco e Mano Brown em um Encontro por Vidas…

Este certamente será um grande momento marcante na vida de dois Lutadores…

De um lado o Campeão Nacional de Kickboxing e líder da Equipe Jorge Turco de Artes Marciais e do Ministério Lutando por Vidas, “Prof. Jorge Turco”. De outro, um dos ícones Rap Nacional, líder do grupo Racionais MC’s, “Mano Brown”.


Dois expoentes de dois segmentos distintos da Cultura Urbana se encontram em prol de um mesmo propósito: Lutar por Vidas!

E será neste sábado, dia 09 de julho de 2010, no Luso Brasileiro Tênis Clube, em Campo Grande (zona oeste carioca), onde os Racionais farão a sua terceira visita ao bairro, após quase um ano.

“Estar com o Mano Brown para mim será uma grande honra, pois sei que ele traz a voz do jovem excluído e tem a experiência no lidar com esse jovem por ter vivido na pele esta mesma difícil realidade… E esta difícil realidade eu também vivi, só que escolhi a Luta como uma forma de representar essa juventude. Eu creio que essa união entre o Hip-Hop e a Luta ainda irá render grandes frutos, pois são duas Culturas de grande repercussão nesse meio. Juntas elas poderão modificar significativamente a vida de quem sempre esteve em terceiro plano em nossa questionável sociedade”, declara Jorge Turco, que pretende apresentar a Brown os sucessos alcançados pelo Ministério Lutando por Vidas, projeto que atende quase todo o Campo Grande e demais comunidades cariocas como Vila Kennedy e Rocinha, além dos presídios Muniz Sodré (Complexo Carcerário de Bangu) e Batalhão Especial Prisional – BEP.

She just wants to sleep. The plane lasted two hours later, waiting for the luggage time dragged too CISA Exam long. The airport shuttle bus also missed the moment, the bus Exampdfview as early as an hour ago already drove away. So, they have to wait for a taxi now. She stood in the waiting line, slim body due to the weight of the laptop tilted Examdumpsview to one side. John talked about interest rates and new ideas for adjusting business partners, but she Exampdfview only thought of one thing it is Friday night at ten thirty, I want to wear pajamas, the Examdumpsview United States Exampdfview and the United CISA Exam States to sleep. A yellow taxi endless stream passing her eyes. These 101 test cars are similar in color and shape, reminding her of insects. She remembered her when he was a child in 101 test the mountains. CISA Exam When she and her brother spotted a broken badger or kicked a red ant nest, she saw 210-260 PDF a large group of limbs and hands and feet wet wriggling on the ground. 101 test Examdumpsview This chilling feeling made her shiver. A taxi speeding over, with a sharp brake sound Exampdfview abrupt halt. Tami Examdumpsview Joan Kefas dragged forward. Driver press the trunk lock, but people did not move in the car. John was upset that they had to get their luggage on board. He is used to having others 101 test help him with these things. Tami Examdumpsview Joan does CISA Exam not matter. Until now, she occasionally 101 test will be 210-260 PDF surprised, I actually have a secretary, help Exampdfview Examdumpsview her typing and file management. She threw the suitcase onto the car, closed the trunk lid, and got 101 test into the car. John followed suit. He shut the door heavily, wiping his fat cheeks and his bare forehead as hard as he 101 test had done with 101 test his luggage. First to East 72nd CISA Exam 210-260 PDF Street. John murmured to the Exampdfview driver through the bulkhead. Then go to Upper 210-260 PDF West Side, Tami Joan added. Block the plexiglass partition between 210-260 PDF Exampdfview the front and rear Exampdfview seats covered with scratches, she CISA Exam could hardly see the driver. Taxi arrows rushed off the road and quickly ran up the highway to Manhattan. Look, John said. Thats why people are everywhere today. He pointed to a billboard that read Welcome 101 test to the United Nations Peace Conference.

Shakes finally Exampdfview remembered the first of the police officers arriving at the scene to adapt to the fourth rule P is to protect the scene of the murder. Angry horn started flooding the air in the early morning misty, CISA Exam quickly mixed into the 101 test drivers roar angry. A moment later, she heard sharp Exampdfview 210-260 PDF sirens also joined the dissonant noise, and the first police car arrived. Forty minutes later, 101 test the scene Exampdfview was already packed with uniformed police CISA Exam and Examdumpsview criminal detectives, more than the usual number of murders in CISA Exam Hells 210-260 PDF Kitchen the famous crime zone in New Yorks 210-260 PDF West End A lot of. In view of CISA Exam the shocking death CISA Exam of the victim, sending so many people does not seem excessive. However, Shakesi heard 210-260 PDF from other police officers that this was a big case Exampdfview and 101 test a media concern – the deceased 210-260 PDF was Examdumpsview one 210-260 PDF of a group of travelers arriving at JFK last night and they made a CISA Exam taxi into the city, 101 test But never got home. CNN is reporting on the spot, the uniformed police Examdumpsview officer whispered to her. So 210-260 PDF when Emilia Shakesh saw the handsome Vince Piriti, the head of the Criminal Investigation and Examdumpsview Resource Scheduling Team climbed to the Examdumpsview top of the embankment overlooking Examdumpsview the crime scene and stopped to beat him 101 test from time 210-260 PDF to time It 210-260 PDF is not particularly surprising when it comes to the dust on suits of thousands of dollars. However, she was surprised. Piriti actually noticed her, and waving her past. He smoothed a little in Exampdfview his shaven clean face. She thought she would probably Examdumpsview be applauded for the extraordinary performance Examdumpsview Exampdfview CISA Exam of todays unruffled. Well done, saved the fingerprint on the iron CISA Exam ladder 210-260 PDF Maybe it will give her a little reward. The 101 test last 210-260 PDF hour on duty on the last day. She will leave with glorious glory. He looked up and down at her. Policewoman, you are not a novice, right I think Examdumpsview I will not mistake. Exampdfview Im sorry, sir Youre not a 101 test newbie, Im sure. Strictly speaking, she can not be considered. Although she entered the police only a short period of three years, unlike her other police at this CISA Exam age, most have nine to ten CISA Exam years of seniority. Before entering the police academy, Shakesi had been in society Exampdfview for several years. I do not understand what youre trying Examdumpsview to ask. He seemed annoyed and the smile on his face disappeared. Are you the first policeman to arrive at the scene Yes, sir.

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“Particularmente eu tenho amigos, que, além de rappers, também são praticantes da Luta Marcial, como é o caso do “Big Richard” e do “Pregador Luo”… E já fui informado também que o Brown é praticante do Boxe, além de colaborar com uma oficina da modalidade na sua comunidade de origem. Isso para mim é muito gratificante, pois vejo como o

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Rap e a Luta se fundem naturalmente falando uma única linguagem e para o mesmo público em comum! Que Deus abençoe grandemente essa nossa união em favor de vidas”, finaliza Jorge Turco acerca da experiência que tem dado certo no Rio de Janeiro em seus eventos de MMA, onde MCs como “Loco” e “Bolão”, entretém a platéia com batalhas de rimas emprovisadas conhecidas como Freestyle, durante os intervalos das lutas.

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Portanto você está mais do que intimado a comparecer no evento que entrará para a história, devido a sua real proposta…

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Sobre DJ TR

Além disso, veja

Campo Grande vai ficar pequeno com a presença do Raiz Coral…

Eles são oriundos da mesma região do rapper Mano Brown, o Capão Redondo, localizado ao …

2 comentários

  1. Eu vi lá no site do clube, mas só tem referência ao show dos Racionais. Procurei mas não tem nada falando sobre a luta. Mas aí… se o barato seria uma coisa interessante. Quem já fez esse lance de misturar rap com Luta foi o Pregador Luo em seu primeiro DVD que pôs uns manos no palco para apresentarem uma performance de artes maciais.


    Peter MC

  2. Onde Compro ingressos para o show?